Great way to execute things ...Inspired very much sir

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Gaurav, this is a very interesting post. I like your thesis here. Here's another variation of what I follow:

1. In 2020, I used personal OKRs and then got down to achieving them. Checklist style. Learnt this was not the best way because I am still figuring myself out and so I get distracted easily. A good pre work for becoming an idea and execution machine is to increase rate of testing or failure to first nail your consistency- to only understand if the constant work comes naturally to you/ you enjoy it or if you really suffer from lack of motivation on consistent basis.

2. In 2021, I'm further breaking down goals into sprints, similar to your system, but with the object being less task oriented and more long-term outcome focused. I've learnt that there are three aspects to productivity- novelty, managing expectations and increasing self-control. I think for any level this holistic outlook is much needed.

I would request you to also give my approach a look and we could exchange notes.


twitter: @miraclepreneur


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Thanks Gaurav for this post and list of apps. Some of the points you mentioned are truly needle moving.

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This was very useful.

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This was very useful.

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Thanks Gaurav! This was excellent.

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This has changed my life. Everyone should read this. Everyday. :))

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Wow! This is great. Thanks!

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Thank you, Gaurav for helping me improve more.

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Thank you for this article.

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Amazing stuff .. Thanks!

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Gaurav- in the post there is a screenshot of all the feedback/ thoughts etc. What app do you use to manage that. Notion?

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This is amazing. It has given me a new dimension to think about organizing and in turn improving myself. Thanks a lot!

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Loved the stuff.


Surendra Dhote


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Amaizng thoughts. I also keep a running notes on my mobile of personal idea machine but need better solution. Evernote or Notion is what I am looking but still. You know a better idea keeping app?

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